Minggu, 10 Juni 2018

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File:Adult with Plagiocephaly.jpg - Wikimedia Commons
src: upload.wikimedia.org

Plagiocephaly , also known as flat head syndrome , is a condition characterized by asymmetrical distortion (flat on one side) of the skull. This is indicated by a flat spot on the back or one side of the head caused by the position of the supine for too long.

Plagiocephaly is the word used to describe diagonal asymmetry across the head shape. This word specifically describes flattening to one side behind the head and there are often some facial asymmetries. Plagiocephaly is divided into two groups: synostotic plagiocephaly, with one or more continuous skull stitches, and nonsynostotic (deformation) plagiocephaly. Surgical treatment of these groups includes methods of respect; However, the treatment of placicephaly deformation is controversial. Brachycephaly describes the shape of a very wide head by flattening the entire back of the head.

Video Plagiocephaly


Slite plagiocephaly is routinely diagnosed at birth and may result from a restrictive intrauterine environment giving the head a "diamond" when viewed from above. If there is a union of premature skull bones, this is more accurately called craniosynostosis.

The incidence of plagiocephaly has increased dramatically since the advent of sudden infant Death Syndrome for parents to keep their babies on their backs.

The data also show that plagiocephaly rates are higher among twins and twin births, premature infants, infants who are positioned in the butt or back-to-back position, as well as babies born after prolonged labor.

Maps Plagiocephaly


A developmental and physical assessment by a doctor or child specialist is recommended. Often imaging is obtained if the diagnosis is questioned to see if the baby's seams are present or not. If no seam is present, craniosynostosis may be at issue.

What is Positional Plagiocephaly?
src: www.technologyinmotion.com


Prevention methods include bringing babies and giving babies time to play in their stomachs (tummy time), which can prevent the baby developing into moderate or severe plagiocephaly.

Positional Plagiocephaly Treatment | Nicklaus Children's Hospital
src: www.nicklauschildrens.org


This condition can increase to some extent when the baby grows, but in some cases, home care or physical therapy can improve the baby's head shape.

Early intervention (based on severity) is very important to reduce the severity of plagiocephaly degree.


Initially, treatment usually takes the form of reducing the pressure on the affected area by repositioning the baby to their stomach for a long time throughout the day.

This may include repositioning the child's head throughout the day so that the rounded head is placed on the mattress, repositioning the crib and other areas that the baby spends so they should look in different directions to see parents or others indoors, repositioning the phone and other toys for the same reason, and avoiding extended sleep time in car seats (when not in a vehicle), bouncy seats, or other supine seats that are considered to aggravate the problem. If the child seems uncomfortable or crying when they are re-positioned, the neck problem should be ruled out.


High quality evidence lacking for cranial orthosis reminder (baby helmet) for positioning conditions and use for this purpose is controversial. If conservative treatment is an unsuccessful helmet it can help improve abnormal head shape. This helmet is used to treat deformational plagiocephaly, brachycephaly, scaphocephaly and other head shape abnormalities in infants aged 3-18 months by gently allowing the head to grow back into normal shape. This type of treatment has been used for severe deformation.

What is Plagiocephaly? | Plagiocephaly Definition
src: www.technologyinmotion.com


Initial studies have shown that some infants with plagiocephaly may consist of high-risk groups for developmental difficulties. Plagiocephaly is associated with delays in motor development and language. While developmental delays are more common among infants with plagiocephaly, it can not be concluded that plagiocephaly is the cause of delay.

Blog ArchiveCase Study - Custom Skull Implant for Occipital ...
src: exploreplasticsurgery.com


The Greek Plagios "oblique, slanting," from PIE plag- "flat, diffuse," from plaque, and Latin Modern cephal "head, skull, brain," together mean flat head.

Congenital Muscular Torticollis and Positional Plagiocephaly ...
src: pedsinreview.aappublications.org

See also

Artificial cranial deformation

Plagiocephaly & Brachycephaly Prevention with Mimos Pillow - YouTube
src: i.ytimg.com


Source of the article : Wikipedia
